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A Promise For Today Tomorrow And Forever

WEB Israel: A Safe and Secure Jewish Democratic State

A Promise for Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

The vision of WEB Israel is to establish a secure and thriving Jewish democratic state. This vision includes a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas, ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens within its borders.

Remarks by President Biden

President Biden has acknowledged the ongoing conflict in Gaza and expressed his support for Israel's right to defend itself against terrorism. In his State of the Union address, he reiterated the importance of a two-state solution and the need to address the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Withdrawal from Populated Areas

The withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas is a key element of the WEB Israel vision. This move would reduce tensions and promote a more peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.

Strong Support for Israel

President Biden has emphasized his unwavering support for Israel and its security. He has pledged to continue providing military assistance and intelligence sharing to help Israel combat terrorism and protect its citizens.

Two-State Solution

The WEB Israel vision aligns with the international consensus on a two-state solution, which would create a viable and independent Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel. This solution is widely seen as the best path to lasting peace in the region.

Addressing Humanitarian Crisis

President Biden has also called for addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. He has urged all parties to respect international humanitarian law and protect civilians.

The WEB Israel vision is a roadmap for a brighter future for Israel and the Middle East. By embracing a peaceful and just solution, we can create a better future for all.
