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A Question Of Sport

Question of Sport: A History of the UK's Beloved Sports Quiz Show

The Early Years

Question of Sport first aired on BBC One on January 5, 1970, with David Coleman as the original host. The show quickly became a favorite among UK viewers, and it has remained popular for over 50 years.

Quiz Format

The show's format is simple: two teams of three athletes compete against each other in a series of sports-related quizzes. The questions cover a wide range of sports, from football and cricket to tennis and golf.

Transition and Changes

Coleman hosted the show for 29 years before stepping down in 1999. He was succeeded by Sue Barker, who became the show's first female host. Barker hosted the show for 23 years before announcing her departure in 2022.

New Era

In 2021, Paddy McGuinness took over as the show's host. He is joined by team captains Sam Quek and Ugo Monye, who bring their own unique personalities and expertise to the show.

Popularity and Impact

Question of Sport is one of the most popular quiz shows in the UK. It has won numerous awards, including the BAFTA for Best Entertainment Program in 2005 and 2008.

Cultural Icon

The show has become a cultural icon in the UK. It has been parodied and referenced in popular culture, such as in the comedy series The Fast Show and the film Love Actually.
